Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Learn the Bible in Layers! The Bible Brief is a 3-Level program designed to guide you through the chronological Bible story in 10-Steps. Our time-conscious, guided journey will help you discover your part in the God’s story:
- Level 1 (Run): The Bible in 10 Steps, an overview of the Bible story.
- Level 2 (Jog): The Bible in 50 days, discovering the Bible story.
- Level 3 (Walk): The Bible in 200 days, through the adventure of the Bible.
Find your purpose in the story of God, and live your life playing your part. Welcome to the Bible Brief.
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Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Step 5: Division (Level 1 | 5)
In this session, we explore the historical account of the division of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. We witness the consequences of the rebellion and sin of both kingdoms, leading to their ultimate downfall at the hands of foreign empires. Despite warnings from prophets, the Kingdom of Israel falls to the Assyrian Empire in 722 BC, and later the Kingdom of Judah suffers the same fate at the hands of the Babylonian Empire. However, amidst the devastation, God promises a future restoration and introduces the New Covenant, offering forgiveness and a transformation from within.
Suggested Reading:
- 1 Kings 12:25-33
- Jeremiah 29:4-14
- Jeremiah 31:31-37
Episode Highlights
- The split of the united kingdom after Solomon's death
- The northern kingdom's descent into idolatry
- The fall of Israel to Assyria (722 BC)
- Judah's similar path to destruction
- God's promise of the New Covenant through Jeremiah
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