Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Learn the Bible in Layers! The Bible Brief is a 3-Level program designed to guide you through the chronological Bible story in 10-Steps. Our time-conscious, guided journey will help you discover your part in the God’s story:
- Level 1 (Run): The Bible in 10 Steps, an overview of the Bible story.
- Level 2 (Jog): The Bible in 50 days, discovering the Bible story.
- Level 3 (Walk): The Bible in 200 days, through the adventure of the Bible.
Find your purpose in the story of God, and live your life playing your part. Welcome to the Bible Brief.
Want a Bible intro? Check out our other podcast, “Intro to the Bible”.
Want to go even deeper? Check out our app: “Bible Brief” available on iOS and Android.
Visit us on the web at:
272 episodes
The Favorite Son (Level 2 | 8)
Jacob's favoritism towards his son Joseph sparks jealousy and hatred among his brothers. Joseph's dreams of ruling over his brothers only intensify their animosity. Sold into slavery by his own brothers, Joseph eventually rises to a position of...
Season 2
Episode 18
Jacob & Esau (Level 2 | 7)
Today we meet Abraham’s grandsons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob, known for his deceitful ways, manages to gain the birthright and blessing intended for his older brother, Esau. We explore the significance of God's announcement that "the older will ser...
Season 2
Episode 17
Isaac & Ishmael (Level 2 | 6)
We meet Isaac and Ishmael, the first two sons of Abraham. Abraham and Sarah, desperate for a child, take matters into their own hands and conceive a son, Ishmael, through Sarah's maidservant Hagar. However, God confirms that His covenant promis...
Season 2
Episode 16
Abraham (Level 2 | 5)
In the Fathers Era, we see God call Abram out of the city of Ur. He calls him to leave everything behind and embark on a journey to a land that God will show him. More than that, He calls him with the promises of the Abrahamic Covenant… promise...
Season 2
Episode 15
Curses and Confusion (Level 2 | 4)
The flood is over and God promises to never flood the earth again in judgment. Soon, Noah plants a vineyard and becomes drunk. His son comes into Noah’s tent, seeing his father’s nakedness, and Noah curses his son’s son for this breach. Soon, t...
Season 2
Episode 14
Violence on the Earth (Level 2 | 3)
Adam and Eve have children, and we meet the two oldest sons, Cain and Abel, before seeing the events leading up to the great flood.. We also meet Noah and his family as a remnant chosen by God to survive the impending judgment upon a corrupt an...
Season 2
Episode 13
The Fall of Man (Level 2 | 2)
Mankind falls in the Garden. Though God gave an order, a mandate, and a prohibition to Adam and Eve, their disobedience leads to awful consequences. A serpent deceived the woman into eating the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evi...
Season 2
Episode 12
The Creation of Everything (Level 2 | 1)
On the first episode of Bible Brief, Level 2 we dive into the creation of everything. We explore the significance of God's creative power and the purpose behind His design. From the formation of the universe to the intricate complexity of life ...
Season 2
Episode 11
Step 10: Last Things (Level 1 | 10)
In Step 10: Last Things, we explore the prophecies and events that are yet to come according to the Bible. Starting with John's vision on the island of Patmos, we uncover the time of tribulation, the return of Christ, and the establishment of H...
Season 2
Episode 11
Step 9: Church (Level 1 | 9)
In Step 9: Church, we see Jesus. After spending 40 days with his disciples following his resurrection, he ascends into heaven, promising to send the Holy Spirit. The disciples are given a mission - to make disciples from all nations and spread ...
Season 2
Episode 10
Step 8: Messiah (Level 1 | 8)
In Step 8: Messiah, we explore the long-awaited arrival of Jesus, born in humility and destined to bring salvation to humanity. We learn about his ministry, teachings, and miracles, before his eventual rejection by the religious leadership. We ...
Season 2
Episode 9
Step 7: Remnant (Level 1 | 7)
In Step 7: Remnant, we meet Esther, a young Jewish exile who becomes the queen of Persia. But soon after she becomes queen, a villain named Haman plots to annihilate all the Jews in Persia. Esther, risking her life, enters the king's presence u...
Season 2
Episode 8
Step 6: Exile (Level 1 | 6)
Judah is in Exile. After the Babylonian Empire conquers the Southern Kingdom of Judah, many find themselves exiled to Babylon, including a faithful man named Daniel. Despite being in a foreign land, Daniel remains devoted to God and is blessed ...
Season 2
Episode 7
Step 5: Division (Level 1 | 5)
In this session, we explore the historical account of the division of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah. We witness the consequences of the rebellion and sin of both kingdoms, leading to their ultimate downfall at the hands of fore...
Season 2
Episode 6
Step 4: Kingdom (Level 1 | 4)
Join us as we explore Israel's transformation from a wandering nation to a powerful kingdom. This session covers the period from the conquest of Canaan through the reigns of Saul, David, and Solomon, revealing how God's promises unfold through ...
Season 2
Episode 5
Step 3: Nation (Level 1 | 3)
In Step 3, Nation, we explore how God begins to fulfill His promises to Abraham through miraculous interventions, powerful plagues, and the remarkable leadership of Moses as the nation of Israel makes its great exodus out of Egypt. Learn about ...
Season 2
Episode 4
Step 2: Fathers (Level 1 | 2)
In Step 2, Fathers, we explore the pivotal story of Abraham and God's covenant promises. From his calling out of Ur to a new land, we witness one of the most significant moments in biblical history. This episode delves into the three fundamenta...
Season 2
Episode 3
Step 1: Beginning (Level 1 | 1)
In the 1st Step of Level 1, Beginning, we explore the incredible story of Creation. Journey with us as we uncover how God spoke the universe into existence, crafted a perfect garden called Eden, and created humans in His own image.We'll ...
Season 2
Episode 2
Intro to the Bible Brief
Welcome to the Bible Brief Podcast! Listen to learn exactly where to start. The Bible Brief is structure in 3 Levels:Level 1: 10 session flyover of the Bible Story.Level 2: 50 session bird's eye focusing on more people and ...
Season 2
Episode 1
Understanding Christmas, Jesus the Messiah (SPECIAL)
Welcome to our special series, Understanding Christmas, as we consider 4 aspects of Jesus to prepare our hearts for celebration. We need to understand Jesus in order to understand Christmas, and the Bible Brief is here to help.Today, we...
Season 1
Episode 204
Understanding Christmas, Jesus the Savior (SPECIAL)
Welcome to our special series, Understanding Christmas, as we consider 4 aspects of Jesus to prepare our hearts for celebration. We need to understand Jesus in order to understand Christmas, and the Bible Brief is here to help.Today, we...
Season 1
Episode 203
Understanding Christmas, Jesus the Humble (SPECIAL)
Welcome to our special series, Understanding Christmas, as we consider 4 aspects of Jesus to prepare our hearts for celebration. We need to understand Jesus in order to understand Christmas, and the Bible Brief is here to help.Today, we...
Season 1
Episode 202
Understanding Christmas, Jesus the Creator (SPECIAL)
Welcome to our special series, Understanding Christmas, as we consider 4 aspects of Jesus to prepare our hearts for celebration. We need to understand Jesus in order to understand Christmas, and the Bible Brief is here to help.Today, we...
Season 1
Episode 201
A Bible Brief Christmas
We're kicking of a short series airing every Tuesday through Christmas Eve. It's called "Understanding Christmas". Invite a friend and listen together starting tomorrow on Tuesday, December 3.
Season 1
Episode 200
The New Beginning (Level 3 | 186)
Unbelievers are judged before the Great White Throne, before God makes all things new. A new heaven and new earth replace the old, and God dwells with his people in blessing forever.Read along with the story. Today we're reading Revelat...
Season 1
Episode 250