Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Learn the Bible in Layers! The Bible Brief is a 3-Level program designed to guide you through the chronological Bible story in 10-Steps. Our time-conscious, guided journey will help you discover your part in the God’s story:
- Level 1 (Run): The Bible in 10 Steps, an overview of the Bible story.
- Level 2 (Jog): The Bible in 50 days, discovering the Bible story.
- Level 3 (Walk): The Bible in 200 days, through the adventure of the Bible.
Find your purpose in the story of God, and live your life playing your part. Welcome to the Bible Brief.
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Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Step 6: Exile (Level 1 | 6)
Judah is in Exile. After the Babylonian Empire conquers the Southern Kingdom of Judah, many find themselves exiled to Babylon, including a faithful man named Daniel. Despite being in a foreign land, Daniel remains devoted to God and is blessed with wisdom and understanding. When King Nebuchadnezzar has a puzzling dream, Daniel interprets it as a vision of future kingdoms and the ultimate reign of God's kingdom. Daniel also receives a vision of God’s future timing for world-shaking events.
Suggested Readings:
- Daniel 2:27-45
- Daniel 9:20-27
Episode Highlights:
- Daniel's unwavering faith and divine wisdom in Babylon
- The interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar's statue dream and its significance for world kingdoms
- The prophetic revelation of the 70 sevens and God's future timeline
- God's sovereignty over human kingdoms and history
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