Bible Brief | Discover the Story

Step 9: Church (Level 1 | 9)

Bible Literacy Foundation Season 2 Episode 10

In Step 9: Church, we see Jesus. After spending 40 days with his disciples following his resurrection, he ascends into heaven, promising to send the Holy Spirit. The disciples are given a mission - to make disciples from all nations and spread the kingdom message. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descends upon the disciples, empowering them to speak in different languages and spread the message to people from all over the world. We witness many thousands of people become believers, including Paul, a persecutor of the Church who becomes a dedicated follower of Jesus after encountering him on the road to Damascus. Finally, we meet John, banished to the island of Patmos, receiving visions of future events. Through John, we’re offered a glimpse into the return of Jesus and the establishment of his kingdom.

Suggested Readings

  • Matthew 28:1-20
  • Acts 2:1-47
  • Acts 9:1-31

Episode Highlights

  • Jesus' final commission to His disciples before ascending to heaven
  • The dramatic events of Pentecost and the Holy Spirit's empowerment
  • Peter's powerful sermon leading to 3,000 new believers
  • Paul's extraordinary conversion on the Damascus road
  • John's exile to Patmos and his glimpse of future events

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