Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Learn the Bible in Layers! The Bible Brief is a 3-Level program designed to guide you through the chronological Bible story in 10-Steps. Our time-conscious, guided journey will help you discover your part in the God’s story:
- Level 1 (Run): The Bible in 10 Steps, an overview of the Bible story.
- Level 2 (Jog): The Bible in 50 days, discovering the Bible story.
- Level 3 (Walk): The Bible in 200 days, through the adventure of the Bible.
Find your purpose in the story of God, and live your life playing your part. Welcome to the Bible Brief.
Want a Bible intro? Check out our other podcast, “Intro to the Bible”.
Want to go even deeper? Check out our app: “Bible Brief” available on iOS and Android.
Visit us on the web at: biblebrief.org
Bible Brief | Discover the Story
Jacob & Esau (Level 2 | 7)
Today we meet Abraham’s grandsons, Jacob and Esau. Jacob, known for his deceitful ways, manages to gain the birthright and blessing intended for his older brother, Esau. We explore the significance of God's announcement that "the older will serve the younger" and how it plays out in the lives of these two brothers. Despite their flaws, we see how God's blessing is ultimately a gift and not something earned through deceit or strength. Jacob's struggle with God leads to a name change and confirmation of his inheritance of the Abrahamic Covenant promises.
Bible Readings
- Genesis 25:19-33
- Genesis 27:1-45
- Genesis 32:24-30
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Our sessions use various translations including the ESV, BSB, CSB, NASB,...